November 8-14, 2021

 Monday started with my 30-week doctor's appointment.  Everything looks good and baby Mary is healthy.  Then I went to work and the gym then came home and made an enchilada casserole.  Thank you to Wendy for the package! and Happy Birthday to Hannah!

Tuesday I got a pregnancy support belt because I started having ligament pain over the weekend and my doctor recommended I get one for like the third time, so I finally did.  I made coconut-crusted cod with sweet chili sauce for dinner.  

Wednesday, I chatted with mom about the shower for Thursday, I made lasagna for dinner and requested an appointment with a potential pediatrician. 

Thursday morning I got a call from the pediatrician's office and they said that I just need to make an appointment once I am discharged from the hospital and that I will be taken care of by their nursing staff until they can get an appointment with the doctor scheduled (several months after the birth).  I didn't like how that sounded, so I am still on the hunt for a pediatrician.  

Paul had an exciting morning on Thursday.  He met with another professor to talk about using a machine called a 2MP for his project.  They talked about his research and decided the machine would be a good fit for the data they are trying to collect.  The machine uses refracted light to see how proteins are interacting.  He is going to begin training next Wednesday!

I got home from work and found 2 packages from Amazon.  We got our bassinet, a nail kit, cute flower headbands, and a diaper caddy.  We also got gifted a travel system but that will arrive later.  

The Christensen shower was super fun!  Eliza and my mom organized everything.  Aunt Chris and her daughters Meisha, Megan, and Cate were there. Claire was there as well as Mykael and Sierra.  Amelia made an appearance and of course Whitney and I were both there.  We got cameos from Meisha's, Claire's, Megan's, and Whitney's kids, which was so fun.

Eliza asked everyone to give advice to me, as a new mom, and to Whitney, as a first-time boy-mom.  Meisha's advice was to take one day at a time, not to be too hard on yourself, and to forgive yourself often.  Even when things don't go well, it doesn't mean you are the cause of it.  She also said to take lots of pictures to capture the brief newborn stage.  She also suggested magnet pajamas and the sleepers that have a knot at the bottom.  Both are great suggestions! 

Chris said to write down everything kids do and say.  They always are coming up with stuff and it will be a cherished memory for us as well as a fun read for them when they are older.  She also suggested writing down the hard things, then one day we can look back and laugh.

Megan was very encouraging and said that the newborn stage was particularly challenging for her and found that being a mom got easier as her son got a little older.

Claire said she has often depended on prayer, especially when it seems like nothing is working.  She has found a lot of peace in prayer as a new mom.

Brianna said that she is cherishing all the ways that her two girls are so different.  She also suggested stacking the new diaper under the older diaper to prevent pee from getting on the changing surface while removing the dirty diaper.  #momhack

Whitney talked about focusing on the positive and not getting caught up with differences with other moms.  Everyone's journey is so different and each child is unique.

My mom talked about focusing on kids individually and appreciating their strengths. 

Mykael talked about taking care of kids first then worrying about the house being clean, meals being cooked, etc. 

Sierra's advice was to not forget to be healthy and take care of yourself physically.

Aunt Sara's birthday was the same day as the shower and could not attend but sent a gift.  Thank you to Marian and Kristin as well for their gifts.  We missed seeing them.

Thank you to everyone for coming and for all your helpful thoughts!

Friday morning started hard for Paul because he got caught in traffic for 1.5 hours!  That is the worst it has ever been, by far.  That night we made sure to watch the Golden State Game.  Thank you to Mom and Brianna for the package! 

Saturday was very productive.  We did laundry, went to the gym, made a fun breakfast then Paul went to lab and I attended my first baby class virtually.  The class focused on labor and birth.  Just before the class started, my stroller got delivered!  It came in perfect condition.  We had a lot of breaks during the class, so during the breaks I put the stroller together.  After the class I painted over the Mary Alice sign I made a few months ago.  her name was crooked and I just had a new idea.  I might paint over it again, I haven't decided haha.  Then Paul got home and we went to the temple.

Sunday was a good day.  Our friend spoke about finding peace in sacrament and the kids learned the song Families Can Be Together Forever in singing time.  There was about 20 minutes left in Relief Society when singing time was done, so I headed over there with the primary chorister.  The lesson was on family history and they had us open the family history app and scan to see how we are related to other people in the room.  The woman sitting next to me was my closest relative and she was my 7th cousin.  We are related back to Bethiah Porter and Robert Grandy.  That was a fun connection to make. 


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