
November 29 - December 5. 2021

  This week was good. It was nice because on Wednesday, one of Paul's lab mates made us this salmon tikka masala dish and it was delicious and I also didn't have to cook!   Thursday I met with a pediatrician and I really liked her.  The first office I contacted didn't offer consultations and said I wouldn't meet Mary's primary care doctor for at least 4 months after her birth.  They had other policies I did not love but this new clinic was much better and answered all my questions to my satisfaction.  Later that night I went to the Relief Society Christmas Party with my ministering sister, Alissa.  It was super fun.  They had Chipotle cater and I brought some chocolate chip cookies for dessert.  Other desserts that were brought were these yummy brownies, chocolate peppermint cupcakes, and a cinnamon roll cake.   Friday, Kaylee tested positive for Covid and didn't come to work.  I had been working with her the most but I didn't feel any sickness.  Mike and We

November 22-28, 2021

 Monday was my replacements first day.  We filed a PCT application.  I made tacos for dinner.  Tuesday I went in to work and had a lot to do, so I was setting up my replacement, Kaylee, with another PCT application, since she had done one yesterday.  I guess I overwhelmed her because she started crying.  I told her that she didn't have to work on the PCT if it was too much.  She ended up just shadowing me until 3 PM.  Then I passed her off to one of my coworkers to learn how to send letters to clients so I could get going on a report Scott needed done.  Paul worked until 9 PM, so I just made myself a grilled cheese and some tomato soup for dinner.  Dr. Nam was going to throw a Christmas party this year but somebody sniched and the department told her she couldn't do that.  That made Paul and me sad.  Wednesday I got to work a little early because we got our carpets cleaned.  Kaylee worked with my other coworker, Robert, all day.  It was nice getting a break from training.  It w

November 15-21, 2021

 Monday Ben flew to Paris and, from updates from my mom, he arrived safe and sound.  I made a seven-layer dip for our dinner and Paul made quesadillas to go with it when he got home. Tuesday I FaceTimed with Clare (Gottschall) Schramm.  We talked for almost 3 hours.  It was really fun to talk and catch up with her.  I made coconut cod again this week but it didn't make very much, so we also had some leftover dip. Wednesday Paul started his training for the 2MP machine.  He said it went really well.  I FaceTimed with Brianna after work on Wednesday.  It was so fun to talk to her and see her cute girls.  She started making dinner toward the end of the call and I got to talk to Jacob for a little bit too.  I made cajun chicken pasta for dinner. Thursday I talked to our leasing office about getting our carpets cleaned and they scheduled it for December 2nd but then called back and asked if the carpet people could come this next Wednesday.  That will be nice because we will have clean c

November 8-14, 2021

 Monday started with my 30-week doctor's appointment.  Everything looks good and baby Mary is healthy.  Then I went to work and the gym then came home and made an enchilada casserole.  Thank you to Wendy for the package! and Happy Birthday to Hannah! Tuesday I got a pregnancy support belt because I started having ligament pain over the weekend and my doctor recommended I get one for like the third time, so I finally did.  I made coconut-crusted cod with sweet chili sauce for dinner.   Wednesday, I chatted with mom about the shower for Thursday, I made lasagna for dinner and requested an appointment with a potential pediatrician.  Thursday morning I got a call from the pediatrician's office and they said that I just need to make an appointment once I am discharged from the hospital and that I will be taken care of by their nursing staff until they can get an appointment with the doctor scheduled (several months after the birth).  I didn't like how that sounded, so I am still

November 1-7, 2021

  Monday I went to the post office before work to pick up Paul's last birthday present because they wouldn't deliver it for some reason.  I made curry for dinner and bran muffins for breakfast for the week.   Happy Birthday to Rachel on Tuesday! Tuesday I made salmon for dinner.  Wednesday I made chicken rolls.  Thursday we interviewed two more candidates and we liked both of them.  Scott didn't seem to  prefer one above the other, so we'll see which one he extends the offer to.  They both would  probably accept because they recently moved back to Dallas and are ready to start working.   I made a creamy tomato pasta to use up the rest of our vegetables for the week before going to  the Relief Society activity.  We made felt nativity puppets.  It was a cute activity and I got to get  to know more sisters in the ward.  Happy Anniversary to Mykael and Peter on Friday! I was getting ready for work when I saw a spider in the bathroom and it took me about 20  minutes to muste

October 25 - 31, 2021

Monday, I had my 28 week doctors appointment and took my glucose test.  I passed but the drink did make me woozy.  That night I made some vegetarian, sweet potato chili for dinner and practiced the piano for the primary program on Sunday.  Happy birthday Andrew on Tuesday! Paul went to a meeting for his calling on Tuesday and got a list of people that are new to the ward that he will contact.  Wednesday we had our final interview for my position at work.  Everyone liked the candidate but when Scott offered her the job, she declined it.  He extended the offer to another candidate and we are waiting to hear back from her. Paul got home early, so we took the opportunity to celebrate his birthday a little early.  We went to Meso Maya for dinner then we went to the movies and saw Dune.  It was really good!  Thursday I made pumpkin s'more bars for Paul's birthday cake.  He said they are his favorite dessert that I make and I haven't made them yet this year.  I tried to find some

October 18-24, 2021

Monday, Paul had a final for his one class this semester and is officially done with coursework..forever! Tuesday, we had our third interview.  The woman seemed nice and has a lot of legal experience but no IP experience.  Scott wants to interview one more person before making a decision.  Saturday we helped some ward friends move.  Kimmy is having a baby girl in January too and they moved to a two-bedroom apartment in preparation of their baby coming.  Her husband is wanting to change jobs, so they are looking into buying a home next summer. Sunday, we practiced the primary program in the chapel.  I was able to practice an hour a day this past week and it has helped me feel a lot more prepared for the program on Halloween.  The kids did great and have a lot of enthusiasm for singing the songs and are very heartfelt in their talks.  We stayed after church and Paul was set apart as an Elders Quorum Secretary.  A lot of people move in and out of the ward throughout the year, so they are